Cracking YOUR Code to Money
Let’s be clear if we don’t have the kind of money we want then we have resistance to money, period. So let’s learn what money is and why it is a neutral energy, just waiting for us to clean up our bulls@#t around it so it can flow the way it wants to - steadily and easily into our lives.
In this 4 week, compact course you will learn:
What money really is - is it abundance, financial freedom or wealth?
How to make primal contact with money - discover what money is to YOU and the language YOU need to use to describe it
Learn how to identify and dissolve your (and generational) resistance to money
Learn how to overcome the “poor hippie syndrome”
Money – Cracking the Code

Email for more details and discounts.
How to Become your Own Shrink
I tell my clients “at the end of the day we all have to become our own shrinks”. In this 4 week course we will learn how to do exactly that – how to become our own therapists and our own coaches. As always fun and freedom will lead the way in our work.

How to Become Your Own Shrink
In this 4 week course we will learn 4 lifelong tools:
The questioning technique that allows truthful answers to arise naturally in you
How to integrate and use those big insights, those “aha” moments
How to set the frame for a sessions with yourself
Finally, we learn the primary skill required to master self introspection
Email for more details and discounts.